Carlos Narciso Parreira
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Business Venture: Lusitano Studio

Goods for the home, crafted in Portugal.


Launching Lusitano Studio, my mission was to create a sustainable home-decor brand crafted by community studios and solo artisans in my native Portugal.

A collection of pottery, glass, textiles and photography, it drew from our heritage of craftsmanship with a modern perspective, each piece requiring hours of attention and backed by decades of expertise. These practices and traditions, intrinsically sustainable, have been part of our families for generations, and can have a place in our contemporary world.

I’m incredibly thankful for the successes we had, such as the relationships with 24 retail stores around the world, including prominent locations like Goop in New York, Chiltern Firehouse in London, and the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC. Esteemed publications such as Monocle Magazine, Architectural Digest, and Harper’s Bazaar, helped us spotlight an undervalued community and drive significant attention to sustainable, artisanal craftsmanship.

This venture embodies my commitment to sustainability, and my resolve to create impactful, profitable platforms that elevate sustainable practices onto the global stage.


The Collection



This collection of images shares scenes familiar to both my childhood and my contemporary work. Having grown up in Lisbon with weekends and summers in a rural family home, I travelled the country from a young age.

Now, from my New York base, I’ve again spent time with people and nature back in Portugal curating the Lusitano Studio collection and the landscape, people and architecture of my native country.