Carlos Narciso Parreira
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Select Written Work

My written work reflects a commitment to exploring and addressing global sustainability challenges. Covering diverse topics such as transforming economic systems for sustainable futures, adapting traditional practices to modern climate realities, and advocating for equitable energy transitions, each piece draws from a deep well of expertise and thoughtful analysis. These works, backed by extensive research and collaboration, aim to provide innovative and practical solutions to pressing issues.


Wellbeing Beyond SDP
SDG Lab at United Nations

We need a transformation in how we define and measure economic value, and how we design economic systems to respect environmental boundaries of our planet and promote human well-being and prosperity within those limits. This piece is a collaboration with the SDG Lab at United Nations Geneva, as part of its focus on exploring new lenses to sustainability, systems change and regenerative development.

by Julia Tscherrig and Carlos Parreira


Adapting Ancient Practices to New Climate Challenges : Winemaking and Climate Change

With human actions affecting global climate and weather patterns becoming more extreme, the risk of a lost or unacceptable crop has exponentially increased. As an industry of economic and cultural importance, governments are motivated to help it adapt and thrive in these new conditions. The question is: how?

The potential of Bioenergy with Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (BECCS)

Nearly 200 nations have signed onto the Paris Agreement, the blueprint presented by the UNFCCC as a pivotal response to the anthropogenic climate impact, ideally limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The UNEP’s Emissions Gap Report of 2022 does not find a credible pathway for this to be accomplished with current policies and calls for climate interventions such as BECCS. What is the feasibility of this approach?

An equitable energy transition :
A Look at Policy Efforts and Challenges for Inclusive Transitions

As the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on our climate worsens, the need to pivot towards low-carbon energy sources becomes ever more paramount. Despite this mounting pressure, energy policy efforts during this transition will need to consider and safeguard vulnerable communities, often disregarded or outmaneuvered by commercial entities, political forces, and other interests.